144 kilometers per hour by bicycle?
Speed result close to average performanceóin a caróin managed to achieve thanks to an extremely lightweight frame, a shield ofócarbon fibre and an altered cyclist position.
The record was set during a competitionóin the World Human Powered Speed Challenge in the Nevada desert. Aerovelo Eta bike awarded the title of the world’s most efficient vehicle.
However, not everyone can achieve such a result. A cyclist must be light, strong and durable. The vehicle itself weighs 25 kilogramsóWhile professional bicycles weigh about 6 kilogramsów. The bike is covered with a lid made of włóof carbon, whichóra is designed to reduce resistance toór air, but it obstructs the view of the cyclist. Therefore, video displays were installed inside the shield, whichóThe sensors show the route and other measurements such as speed.